Thursday, March 1, 2012


- Commercial - have female doing yoga on rug...male looking at her like what the hell is she doing...he looks at beer glass and confirms that it's the better form of meditation...

- I told a pizza place what I told my girlfriend...if it doesn't fit...get a bigger box...

- Staring Contest as a sporting event...Bring IT!...

- I think about my life and what I've dedicated it to...the most work I've put into something ever...the most I've cared about something was in elementary school...during recess we had to take one lap around the playground...and, I had to be first...someday I'd like to put that passion into my writing...

- Nose hair joke - I feel different today...don't feel like myself...I feel lighter..."What you do?...I cut some nose hair...

- Subway station..."Which way you going?"..."Ok, I'll go this way then"...

- Good thing I wrote the above joke...that'll be the break through show...

- Skit (for kids!...yeah!)...skit is Andy Sandberg playing Mark Wahlberg talking to animals, a remake of that SNL skit...have some kids being the animals and other kids auditioning for Mark Wahlberg -- "No! You're just being Mark Walhberg. We want you playing Andy Sandberg playing Mark Wahlberg...Yes, I know. He had it easier...he's already Andy Sandberg"...

- People are getting older faster these days...I'm not sure why...maybe something is in the water...or, the of the two...probably...

- On train - look at person across from me...roll eyes...for no reason it seems...but, I've got my reasons...get your own...Jerry Sloan...rhyming off the top of my a later date, dissect my constant struggle to spell the word "rhyme", that's rim, as in "Above the Rim", or slightly below, in my case...

- Add to looking at person on train / taking notes of them idea - - they notice you taking notes...they wonder, "Why would someone take notes of me...I suck"...I know you suck, says so on this here pad...I're just sitting there...why don't you get up and do something with your life...

- I have a passion for watching the weather much so that I haven't gone outside in years to actually see any weather...

- Idea - list great experiences ones had in life...a long list of great vacations and accomplishments...but end list with saying - "You haven't lived have thrown a behind-the-back-boogey-pass"...just ask Steve Nash...Johnny Cash don't know...

- Picture / Thousand words..."Yeah, ok"...Take pictures and assume all of them say exactly 1,000 words...write essay conveying what it says in 1,000 words...

- How many times do I have to say
that I know that you know
in order for both of us to know
that both of us don't know...
...and, on we row...or don't...

- Shut up, Garrett

- Take a picture of me
as I look away
and then look back
with an expression like maybe
you don't know, but I know
what is fact
And, just because
I may lack the skills
to articulate thus
Doesn't mean that
the truth isn't such...

- Conviction Essay - write long essay about it tomorrow...or next year...and, give examples of people that have unwavering conviction...relate to how I will never succeed at making people laugh until I apply this conviction to what I think is conviction can start and be based upon my conviction for how much I love my house cat...and how that conviction can teach us all a lesson...I mean...lessons...

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